
Showing posts from September, 2019

Communication Technology

Technology has advanced tremendously and exponentially throughout the past couple hundred years. It has especially advanced as a way of communication. The radio, television, phone and internet are all examples of technology that has been created and innovated throughout our society and the technology we have today is mindblowing. The cellphones we have today are used for so much more than just a phone, we can play games, go on the internet, and use it as an alarm clock and they look nothing like they did even 30 years ago. The things we can do today with our phones and laptops is incredible but people do have some criticisms. Nowadays, people are addicted to their phone, some people literally cannot live without it. The video we watched in class, the cartoon with the song mad world, shows us how we see people today. People are always looking down and not paying attention to the real world around, we just stare at the screen on our phone. In class we are learning about how technology ha

The Progressive Era

The progressive era for the United States started in the 1890s and lasted until the 1920s. This era was meant to help citizens eliminate their problems with industrialization, urbanization, immigration and political corruption. is a website where people can post blogs or look up articles about antiwar news and viewpoints. World War 1 was towards the end of the progressive era but people had hard times adjusting to life without the war. There was also a rise of communism. This was controversial because of all the debt that the war caused. People were getting thrown in jail under the sedition act, specifically journalists, because they were criticizing the government from the war and how they reacted to the citizens. They were writing similar articles to but not about anti war but about anti government. They were saying what they were doing wrong not that they are really against the government.

Civil War & Reconstruction

The Civil War and reconstruction era was a big turning point of the history of the United States. New laws came into place and the nation was technically split in two. The 14th amendment came into play after the war ended and created much controversy throughout the nation. African Americans were granted citizenship and although that was a great thing, some people did not like this at all. The Supreme Court shut down the privileges and immunity clause shortly after the 14th amendment was in place. This was harmful because it allowed people to discriminate against others, this was mostly a problem in the south because they were the states who supported slavery. There were many cases around this time about African Americans newly granted citizenship and their place in their new society. Liberty was also controversial on the courtroom. This relates to the facebook privacy problem because privacy is part of your right as a citizen as well as liberty.

The Founding Era

There is so much history and famous moments and documents throughout the making up of the U.S. and it's law system. Specifically, the Supreme Court and how they decide who gets to serve. It's interesting how presidential roles and people who represent the state were supposed to nominate the people who serve, but more recently they have listened to the public on who they want to put on the Supreme Court. One thing that I noticed is that the civil war changed the laws about slavery. The Supreme Court does have power, but not as much power as the public and the people they are representing. The Supreme Court also abides by the same laws that were created over 200 years ago, although some have changed, they still use the laws created by our founding fathers. Some cases don't go all the way up to the Supreme Court but when they do it's a big deal. There are 9 people who serve on the Supreme Court so if there is a split between them they always have an answer because they a