Communication Technology

Technology has advanced tremendously and exponentially throughout the past couple hundred years. It has especially advanced as a way of communication. The radio, television, phone and internet are all examples of technology that has been created and innovated throughout our society and the technology we have today is mindblowing. The cellphones we have today are used for so much more than just a phone, we can play games, go on the internet, and use it as an alarm clock and they look nothing like they did even 30 years ago. The things we can do today with our phones and laptops is incredible but people do have some criticisms. Nowadays, people are addicted to their phone, some people literally cannot live without it. The video we watched in class, the cartoon with the song mad world, shows us how we see people today. People are always looking down and not paying attention to the real world around, we just stare at the screen on our phone. In class we are learning about how technology has changed for communication but has turned into so much more.


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