Phone Surveillance


Throughout the semester in class we have been talking and reading about how much technology has advanced, how it impacts us and more recently how this advanced technology affects our privacy information. I decided to write my post on the ted talk "How to avoid surveillance... with the phone in your pocket" by Christopher Soghoian. He talks about how phone and computer companies have put surveillance features in our phones and computers to record our emails, texts, calls, etc. There have been huge cases regarding this. For example, with Facebook people's account and private information is being leaked and they are getting hacked from outside sources and how the new amazon Alexa is always listening to conversations that are held near the device.

Many people have also had problems with advertisements online. If you look something up, a clothing company for example, then you will get advertisements for the clothing company on other websites you visit because the search is in your history. That is just a minor surveillance feature because most people have their searches saved. A more intense surveillance feature is when you say something to someone when you are on the phone. For example, I was talking on the phone with my mom the other day and we were talking about this new face product. Later I was on Instagram and just like that I got an advertisement for that product. I did not even look up the product or mention it in an email or to anyone else. It is creepy the technology nowadays can do that, just by listening.

It is also a big issue for government officials or the army because people can tap into their software and listen or look up information that they have looked up in the past. I was in Israel for a couple weeks in the summer of 2018. I had the pleasure of being with people who worked in their army and speak with the different departments of the army. My friends and I would be curious as to what they do and anything exciting that they have seen or done. I remember one time we were in the hotel room and we were asking questions to someone who worked in the social services department. She could say something but would not talk about others and we asked why and she said because of bugs. She said that they are not allowed to talk about certain things because if a phone or the room was tapped with bugs someone who was listening could hear and could use the information against them. We were surprised because we had no idea about that and we were nervous because even if we were not talking about anything private we still thought people were listening to our conversation.

Here is the link and transcript for the Ted Talk.


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