Values of Free Expression

For this post, I have decided to talk about the 7th value of free expression which is to promote innovation. The 7th value states that a community in which free speech is valued and protected is likely to be a more energizes, creative and interesting society as its citizens actively fulfill themselves in many diverse and interesting ways. Most people think of creative destruction as a negative, but in class we learned how it is actually a good thing and we need it to keep up with our changing society. Promoting innovation and creative destruction go hand in hand because they both encourage new ideas and ways to innovate technology that will change with our society. I think this is the most important value because we would not have the technology we have today without innovation and creative destruction. For example the computer came from typewriters, phones came from the telegraph and MP3 music came from records. This is also inspiring to me because of the technology we have today. If we did not innovate our technology from hundreds of years ago we would not have laptops or mobile phones, or have internet available from our phones. The technology nowadays blow my mind with the stuff that we can do with it. We will continue to innovate our technology to keep up to speed with our changing society and I cannot wait to see what new technology comes out in the future.


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